
Friday, July 11, 2008


Today during Mass, I again came to realize the only
thing separating us from heaven, where God, His Angels
and His Saints reside, is this dimension, this thin
invisible veil. I was surrounded by heaven and knew
the Light all around me. I knew I was in the
company of the Lord, our Lady, and the Angels
and the Saints. I knew it within my soul.
My spirit was gladdened or quickened.
I was in the presence of holiness and sanctity.

We need to realize where we are and who we are
in Christ Jesus, no matter where we are physically.

Have we not been told the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand


the Kingdom of God is within you?

When I attend Mass and fully pay attention,I am the closest I can be to heaven this side of the veil.

When I am other than at Mass, I need to get beyond
the extraneous and realize who I am and Whose I am.

This is intended as spiritual food for thought.

© Mel Patterson, 7-11-08



I had a dream July 4th weekend 2008 that I had a small gold fish bowl in my left hand and with my right hand I was covering the top. The reason I had to cover it was that the very many gold fish were leaping and trying to jump out. I was keeping them safe until I could find my larger crystal bowl in which to place them safely. I wanted to save as many as possible.

They are my concern. Not so much do I worry about myself but for those other (fish) souls.

I know if I do what the Lord asks I will be fine and He will give the gifts to me He wants me to have.

It was suggested by a good friend ...."That dream sounds like a Divine Gift Mel though I have no proof. The fish are the people you pray for and try to help. In the same way Our Lord protects us, calling us to Him and to Our Lady and does everything possible to stop us lapsing into sin. Remember Our Lord said ' I will make you fishers of men...." ]my friend shall remain anonymous,is very close to the Lord, and highly respected by yours truly.


© Mel Patterson, 7-11-08
